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Mikuniss Collection: célébrer sa culture avec la mode

Mikuniss Collection: celebrating culture with fashion

July 25, 2022


Local Journalism Initiative - The Daily
Valéry Larouche goes into overdrive. In September, she will launch the very first collection of her fashion design company, Mikuniss Collection, recently established in Mashteuiatsh. The young woman is keen to celebrate Innu culture in her clothing creations and is organizing an outdoor parade for the occasion that will allow her to shine the spotlight on local artisans, in addition to revealing the fruits of her efforts.

Valérie is a native of Lac-Saint-Jean, born to a Quebec father and an Aboriginal mother. If her mother left the family nest very young, Valérie was still immersed in her culture, through her family and her interests.

“I always knew I was Aboriginal and I was proud of that. I was not brought up there, but as soon as I was older, I wanted to visit, get involved, take part in the activities", recounts the one who worked for the Band Council for five years, in an interview with The Daily.

It was therefore natural for her to establish her business in Mashteuiatsh, the place where she finds a large part of her inspiration.

“I noticed that I used a lot of my Aboriginal roots when it came to creating, my inspirations, and I found it important to highlight them. »
 Valéry Larouche, founder of Mikuniss CollectionIt's a long and incredible journey that led her to entrepreneurship. By first starting the course in Computerized Arts and Technologies, Valérie finally turned to a course in Accounting and Management. She worked in this field for eight years. She then decided to leave on a whim to do a Fashion Design Technique in Montreal. The one who was already making accessories and sewing made this decision after falling in love with creation, during a course in making ancestral skirts given at the Native Friendship Center in Roberval.
Mikuniss Collection clothing celebrates Innu culture.

His eclectic journey has finally paid off. “All these courses have finally served me. I still sought out several qualities as an entrepreneur throughout my career, which makes it quite interesting and which helps me a lot today,” she says, laughing.

At the end of her school career, Valéry returned to her region, more inspired than ever. She continued to work in accounting while completing her business start-up course at Forgescom, in order to take steps to set up Mikuniss Collection.

In recent months, much of his time has been devoted to fundraising and the work has paid off. Valéry was able to get several scholarships, including one of $25,000 from the Cégep de Saint-Félicien, in collaboration with Écofaune Boréale, with whom Valérie will develop a fish leather tanning project in the future.

First collection

The 35-year-old designer is therefore preparing her first collection, which will include a wide range of products. Basic unisex pieces that will showcase the talents of Aboriginal artists, fashion accessories, transformed fur coats, women's ready-to-wear: the collection has a host of very different axes, but all of them will highlight the Innu culture. Moreover, all the pieces will be sold mainly online, on the entrepreneur's website, which will be unveiled on the day of the show.

All of Valéry Larouche's creations are designed to contribute to sustainable development, for example by using natural fibers or by recovering certain materials. The pillars of his project are environmental protection, social equity and economic viability.

Mikuniss Collection apparel will be primarily sold through the company's website, which will be unveiled on September 24.

To unveil the fruit of this work, Valéry is organizing a very first parade, on the Uashassihtsh site, on September 24th. The event is organized in collaboration with two other businesses in the community, namely Matsheshu Créations and Robertson accessoires et tradition. For Valéry, it was important to take the opportunity to share the talent of local artists.

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